Restorative yoga is a style of yoga that aims to reduce
stress and elicit the relaxation response. It is a
proactive way to counteract stress in your life and is
beneficial for when you’re feeling tired, weak,
stressed, unwell or injured.
In restorative yoga the body is supported through the
use of props (blocks, bolsters, blankets and straps) and
held in relaxing and gently opening postures. Postures
are held for long periods of time for example five to
ten minutes, given this only a small amount of postures
are taught during the practice. While in the postures
there is no muscular contraction. The intent of the
practice is to truly rest.
Yoga Nidra, otherwise known as yogic sleep, is a
relaxation technique that systematically helps to induce
complete physical, mental and emotional relaxation. It
is done reclined and is the perfect opportunity to
deeply rest a tired soul.
Bookings are required.