Yoga Teacher Training
Post Graduate Yoga Teacher Training
KatieYoga are the leaders in Yoga Teacher Training options for
people living in regional Western Australia.
Have you previously completed a 200, 350 or 500 hour
yoga teacher training course?
Do you want to further your skills and knowledge?
We have a number of modules avaliable for selfpaced study.
Please contact us to find out more and discuss a training
pathway to suit your areas of interest.
KatieYoga 500hr Yoga Teacher Training - Course Content
In this comprehensive course you will cover:
Asana (Physical Postures)
Learn the alignment, benefits, contraindications and variations
of yoga postures.
Pranayama (Breathing Practices)
Learn different pranayama techniques, their benefits and their
Dhyana (Meditation)
Yoga is management of the mind. Learn a variety of relaxation
and meditation techniques that will help build concentration,
mental focus and present moment awareness (mindfulness).
Mudra and Bandha
Learn about Mudras and Bandhas, their benefits and their
Yoga is a purification practice. Learn about these ancient yogic
cleansing practices.
Anatomy and Physiology
A strong anatomical foundation is key to enhancing your
understanding of yoga postures and developing creative yoga
sequences that your clients enjoy. Learn about structural
anatomy, functional physiology and the mind-body relationship.
Yoga Physiology
Explore the yogic physiology and the subtle systems. This unit
covers Pancha Koshas, Nadis, Chakras, Pancha, Vayus and Gunas.
There are many paths of Yoga that all lead to the same goal,
they are often compared to rivers which flow into the sea. At
first they are completely separate, as the rivers progress they
begin to merge with each other, until eventually they are
totally absorbed into the one vast ocean. Learn about the
ancient origins of yoga in India and the modern history of yoga
in the West.
Learn about ancient yogic texts such as the Bhagavad Gita, the
Upanishads and the Hatha Yoga Pradipika.
Yoga Sutras
Written in Sanskrit by Patanjali, these sutras provide us with a
framework to guide us on our yogic path. Discover how this
ancient text written about 2000 years ago still applies to
today’s age.
Ayurveda and Yogic Lifestyle
The sister science of yoga, Ayurveda is about bringing our body
into balance. Learn about your Dosha, and how you can tailor
your lifestyle and yoga practice to find greater balance.
Special Needs
This comprehensive unit will empower you with the skills and
knowledge to work with injuries, aliments, health conditions and
different client groups. It covers Pregnancy, Post Natal, Kids,
Seniors, Orthopaedic Issues, Medical Issues and Neurology
The amount of evidence-based scientific research undertaken on
yoga is dramatically increasing each year. Learn about the
growing research base in the field of yoga. This unit covers
what research is out there, how to access it and how to
translate it into your teaching.
Business of Yoga
You’ve done your Yoga Teacher Training now what? This
comprehensive unit will empower you with the skills and
knowledge to get started as a small business owner.
Yoga as a Profession
You will learn about yoga as a profession including the Scope of
Practice, Code of Conduct, Continuing Professional Development,
Ethics and about the role of Yoga Australia as the peak body in
the Yoga Profession in Australia.
Teaching Methodology
Explore communication and interpersonal skills, and how to
translate these to a classroom environment. Discover different
learning styles and what this means for creating engaging
classes. Learn how to apply principles of good teaching.
Teaching Yoga
Learn how to plan and deliver engaging yoga classes, and receive
and act on student feedback. You will have the opportunity to
practice teaching numerous times and teach two Community
Sequencing Yoga
Learn how to creatively and safely sequence Hatha, Vinyasa and
Restorative Yoga Classes that your clients will love.
Teaching Eastern Concepts in a Class Environment
Translate esoteric yogic teaching into bit size chunks that will
enhance your classes and your clients experience.
Senior First Aid
A requirement of your training and Yoga Australia Registration,
is to complete a Senior First Aid by a Registered Training
For More Information and How to Register
Please contact us to find out more and discuss a training pathway
to suit your areas of interest.
About Your Teachers
Katie and David are both qualified trainers with a wealth of
experience. They have taught numerous people (including
teachers, workplace trainers, health practitioners, miners and
Government employees) how to train and assess when they
delivered the Certificate IV and Diploma of Training and
Assessment at TAFE. They upskilled the entire teaching staff in
the Certificate IV in Training and Assessment at the TAFE in the
Midwest Region. They have also delivered a range of other
qualifications such as Certificate I to Diploma of Information
Technology, CIV in Business and Certificate IV in Frontline
Katie is also a qualified school teacher and has lectured for
Edith Cowan University.
Katie is committed to fostering best practice within the yoga
profession and she realises this vision though her volunteer
work with Yoga Australia, the peak professional body for yoga
within Australia. Katie sat on the Yoga Australia Board as Vice
President and Treasurer from 2015 to 2019. During your training,
Katie will provide you with up-to-date trends and research
outcome in the yoga profession while you undertake your
training. Katie’s latest volunteer project for Yoga Australia
drew on her extensive experience in quality management at TAFE
and included rewriting the Yoga Australia Yoga Teacher Training
Standards, which she completed in 2020.
What People Think About Our Training
"All the training is relevant. Presentation is engaging and
very professional. I am learning so much on a personal and
professional level. You both provide an encouraging
What People Like About Our Training
"All encompassing aspects of yoga - not just asana!"
“Coursework and handouts.”
"Approachability of staff."
“Self-growth. Self-discovery. Learning how to better deal with
everyday life.”
"I like it all. it feels very thorough."